CalTogether Design Sprint
& Mobile Prototype
& Mobile Prototype

Lead a design sprint to help mid-level leaders from across California state agencies re-imagine enterprise-wide challenges facing the state, then create prototypes that visualize a solution.
California’s state government is composed of 200+ agencies—each with their own unique departments—collectively totaling over 16,000 state employees. Due to differences in technology and processes across agencies, there is a lack of knowledge sharing and connection thus resulting in silos.
There is a need for digital resources that facilitate inter-agency collaboration and enable government and society to rapidly share knowledge, skills, abilities and resources.
Project Objective
In the CAL-IPGCA's immersive learning environment—facilitate a design sprint to help a team of mid-level leaders from across agencies re-imagine enterprise-wide challenges facing the State of California from a whole-systems perspective and unlock elegant, innovative solutions.
My Role
In my position as Creative Strategist I was responsible for...
▸ Product Strategy & Consultation
▸ Design Sprint Planning & Facilitation
▸ UX/UI Design
▸ Presentation of Product to Stakeholders
▸ Design Sprint Planning & Facilitation
▸ UX/UI Design
▸ Presentation of Product to Stakeholders
My design sprint process was inspired by Google’s Sprint Process: Understand, Diverge, Decide, Prototype, Validate.

I met with Team 3 for interviews to better understand the project including target users, needs, goals and competitive examples and to gain perspective that would help us develop a strategic approach.
Rapid Innovation Jam
In a 2-hour strategy session I called the “Rapid Innovation Jam”, I led Team 3 to use design-thinking to create a framework for our product mockup through a process of individual ideation, collective brainstorming, discussion and rapid group decision making.

The Rapid Innovation Jam was designed to help generate lots of ideas while also building quick consensus that would allow us to make decisions for a prototype. Using timed exercises, silent work and voting we were able to effectively and rapidly make decisions.
I quickly sketched a storyboard of the chosen user flow so the team could get a better idea of what would be visualized in the prototype.

Based on findings from and decisions made in Rapid Innovation Jam, I built a prototype that we could present to target users and stakeholders for feedback.

Alongside Team 3, I presented the design prototypes and product strategy to a group of stakeholders. The outcomes from our work were incorporated into Cal-IPGCA Innovation Cohort 2019 White Paper.